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At the heart of your pageant is a solid stage. No vibrations, no gaps, no unsightly tears. Our staging is inspected before every event and features some of the highest quality materials out there. Want a white or vinyl cover? We can do that, too!

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Lighting takes more than just taking a few fixtures and aiming them on the stage. Lighting design is an art that can make your pageant look top-notch or a cheap middle school play. Our lighting designers will spec out a layout specifically to your room and stage. Our dynamic white fixtures allow us to change the color temperature of the stage to better match the room, skin tone, and even camera settings. We will make sure every delegate pops on stage, and on-camera!

Want to take it one step further? Our designers can create custom programs for opening numbers, add moving lights, or even include a UV spectrum to make the dresses really stand out!


Choose from our standard colors of beautiful shimmery drape that's acoustically friendly (meaning we can hide the speakers behind the drape), our exclusive programmable twinkle-drape, or even color-changing drape. Imagine the stunning photos you'll get when the drape matches the dresses perfectly! Check out the attached mini-gallery for examples!


Sound Reinforcement

Your 👏 pageant 👏 has 👏 to 👏 sound 👏 as 👏 good   👏 as 👏 it 👏 looks! 👏

Wireless mics with backup, feedback reduction, the most crystal clear audio imaginable... these are all the common sense things everyone should offer. We take it one step further by having techs with real-world pageant experience. Pageantry sound is very different than a typical event- experience is a must!

Special Fx

CO2 blasts, computer controlled fans with a tight output for glamorous wild-hair shots, lasers, confetti, indoor fireworks, and even glow-in-the-dark bubbles... we have just the perfect touch to make your pageant stand out and help create a fully immersive experience for your audience!. 

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DJs and MCs

A DJ at your pageant is a must! Your parties, but most importantly, the main event itself need smooth mixing, an understanding of appropriate music and keen timing for each event that only a professional pageant DJ offers. The thing is, most DJs don't understand what a pageant needs and what music helps propel your brand. Simply put: We do.  Our DJs are masterful mixmasters and connoisseurs of finding the perfect beat... every time.

Need a professional MC for your show? We have those as well! The MC is the #1 representation of your pageant; you'll find that PCAV has the perfect MC for your system!

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